Monday, November 18, 2019

दीवाना मस्ताना

दीवाना मस्ताना 

DJ Uncle/Pappa

I remember the first moment I met Pappa - don’t remember the date or year but I do remember that specific moment. As I do with most people I meet, I hugged him and said, “Hello Uncle” but then something different happened. He hugged me back and held on to me, for a few moments.  
Aaah...Finally I had met someone who could return my kind of झप्पी 😊 We hit it off instantly! 

All the times we met, the few evenings spent together over drinks/dinner or gupshup/music, the energy was electric. There was something magical to hear his stories and enjoy his childlike excitement at almost everything. He was always, always impeccably dressed with a crisply ironed shirt, hair neatly combed, and a dash of cologne/perfume.. He could teach these younger guys a thing or two for sure! Sometimes we would just sit listening to and singing old hindi songs, other times he would talk about his wife and how much he missed her, and at other times he would say wonderful things about me 😊; one thing common across all this was our hands held together all the time. He sure knew how to boost someone’s ego and make them feel special and on top of the world. And I for one wasn’t going to complain about that! Of course, I knew that that’s how he made everyone feel - extra important and special!

When I visited Mumbai in 2014, he pre-poned his trip by a day to come all the way from Aurangabad to meet me. I was thrilled and a bit overwhelmed by his affection. My dad and I visited him at his son’s house and he was beyond thrilled, pampering us no end. He had also instructed his daughter-in-law Radha and granddaughter Aakanksha to buy me a dress and get dad a shawl. His eyesight was much weaker but the bond as strong as ever. He loved chatting with my dad as well just like so many friends he would make instantaneously. I remember him asking me to postpone my flight so I could go to a hindi music show with him 😊..and the sad look when we got into the elevator to leave...and of course he insisted on having his driver drop us home instead of letting us leave in a cab. He would not take no for an answer and there was no arguing with him for sure!!

What a beautiful अनोखा love connection we shared!  A special connection filled with a father's love, a friend's non-stop गपशप and मस्ती, reflective moments, and a shared zest for life and living.  Brings a twinkle in my eye and warmth in my heart even today as I think about him.. 

ना उम्र की सीमा हो, ना जनम का हो बंधन ......

Somehow in all that time, he hardly ever spoke about his own accomplishments. I never knew the fearless firefighter and heroic leader,  just the passionate, दिलखुश, romantic, ज़िद्दी, दीवाना,  who never liked to say goodbye.. A total people person - all heart 💖.

Thank you Uncle for all the moments of love, laughter and अपनापन ...What a blessing!  I’m sure you’re planning parties wherever you are, forming eternal connections. Remembering you fondly with one of your favorites - फैली हुईं हैं सपनों की बाहें, आजा चल दें कहीं दूर…

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 2, 2019
Happy Birthday Shanti

याद आ रही है….

हर वो बचपन की लोरी,

और पुरानी हिंदी गानों की डोरी..

पीठ पर ताल से बजती हर थपकी,

बातें nonstop,

उसके बीच, नींद की झपकी।

क्या तुम्हे याद है, वो एक रात की बात,
जब ज़िद्द की थी मैंने, सौ गाने सुनने की,  
और तुमने पूरी की वो मेरी मांग,
मुझे तो याद है, नींद में की थी मैंने गिनती।
आज भी सोचती हूँ, यादों में ग़ुम,  
पता नहीं, पागल मैं थी, या तुम।

याद आ रही है….
जवानी की “interesting” सी बातें,
मेरे क़िस्से सुनकर जो बितायी थी तुमने रातें।
कभी हँस कर, तो कभी shock हो कर,
कभी दीदी बनकर, तो कभी यार बनकर।
Personality बिलकुल अलग अलग,
पर connection हमेशा गहरा,
ऐसी दोस्ती कभी न पा सकी,
जैसा था और है, तेरा मेरा ।

एक ख़ालीपन सा छा गया, 
जब शादी कर तुम चली गयी,
दूल्हा ठीक-ठाक था मगर,
उसके कारण,
मेरी सखी मुझसे बिछड़ गयी।

पर अपनी ख़ुशकिस्मती तो देखो,
दूल्हा निकला full of life,
साली जीजू की दोस्ती है solid,
क्यूँ ना हो,
आख़िर मेरी best friend है उसकी wife!

फिर आए दो राजकुमार, 

घर में कर गए चहल पहल, 
सबके दिलों के शहज़ादे, 
कर दी हमारी दुनिया बदल।
आखिर आयी मेरी बारी,
Girlfriend से मैं बीवी बनी, 
और फिर पलक झपकते ही, 
तीन देवियों की मम्मी बनी।

इस दौरान हम दोनों की,
दोस्ती तो है बढ़ती गयी, 
संघर्ष और ज़िम्मेदारियाँ भी,
हम दोनों के सर चढ़ती गयी।
लेकिन इस मोड़ पर भी, 
हमारी हंसी सजती गयी।

कभी Phone पे घंटो बातें, 
और कभी है खामोशी, 
बिन बोले समझी जज़्बातेँ, 
अकेले बैठे बुनी ख़ुशी। 
कभी बने एक दूजे के गुरु, 
कभी भूमिका शिष्य की, 
कभी माँ, कभी बहन, कभी दोस्त, 
कभी एहसास विश्व की ।

ऐसा अनोखा रिश्ता है,
लव्ज़ नहीं समझाने की, 
पक्की डोरी बुनती गयी, 
बचपन के हर गाने की.
आज तुम्हें मैं क्या दूँ प्यारी,
सब कुछ तुमने पाया है, 
क्या है असली, क्या है नकली, 
सच क्या और क्या माया है ।

मगर इस दिल में एक है ख्वाइश, 
फिर चलें सफर हम बचपन की, 
फिर से सुनूं मैं सौ गाने तुमसे 
फिर से पीठ पर बजे थपकी....

Love you my darling

Friday, August 23, 2019

कृष्ण से मिलो

कृष्ण से मिलो

August 23, 2019

सखा, सहायक, सारथी, सजन
गुरु, गुणी, सम्पूर्ण हैं कृष्ण ।

बचपन की कहानियों में, तो कभी जवानी के संघर्ष में,
बादलों की टोली में, तो कभी बंजर फर्श में

कभी अजनबी के रूप में, तो कभी अपनों में, 
कभी आँखों दिखे, तो कभी सपनों में

कभी एहसास में, तो कभी विश्वास में, 
मामूली पलों में, तो कभी बातें ख़ास में

मंदिर की मूरत में, या विश्व के कण कण में,
हमारे रोज़ी कर्म में,  या हर इंसान के मन में। 

कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी पर अपने अंदर झांकिए,
और खुद के कृष्ण को पहचानिये। 

सखा, सहायक, सारथी, सजन
गुरु, गुणी, सम्पूर्ण, तुम कृष्ण।

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


~ the choice is yours ~

(inspired by many authors - of books and life:)
August 21, 2019

have you ever read a book? 
a few chapters of a book?
a few pages of a book?
Yes?... well... let's further take a look..

how much can you tell,
from the few pages that you've read..
is it drama, tragedy, or mystery,
action, love saga, fantasy or history..?
does the single chapter or few pages you've read
give you, my friend, the intel
to continue reading further or drop it instead?

what if you did stop reading,
based on a few unlikeable pages,
and missed the hidden wondrous paradise,
sci-fi, miracles, heart-tugging narratives,
or the wisdom of the sages?

hmmm, now I wonder,

if chapters were years and pages were days,
of a life who's length was still unknown,
how much can you tell
from the few pages you've read or
skimmed of another's book, much less your own?

and even if you, by chance or good will,
read every single word and also between the lines,
would what you see and what another sees
always align?


well then, one thing to discern,
is the limits of
what we perceive, 
and what we believe, 

they say not to judge a book by its cover,
perhaps also not by the few pages we skim over,
certainly wise advice to heed,
not just of books but of the people we try to read.

perhaps it’s time for reflection,
some self-reading and introspection,
why bother reading the book of another,
when, after all, yours is the only story you can author....

enjoy your gift 
of reading, writing, living, loving,
the choice is yours and yours alone,
whose book will you focus on?

दूसरों के किताब पढ़ने में ऐसे उलझ गए,
कि अपनी कोरे पन्नो में लिखना भूल गए.......