Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Queen of all Queens!!

February 19, 2015

Feeling immense joy to have been born to the Queen of all Queens!!

To the one who created my first heart beat and, who can understand the nuances of each of my heartbeats to the day;
To the one who held me close and safe, cared for my every possible need and, who does the same and more for my little girls every step of the way;
To the one who knows nothing else than to put others before herself, but who has taught me the value of valuing myself also,
To the one who savors each moment, the epitome of patience and mindfulness, a presence in my life like no other,
Happy Birthday to the Queen of all Queens ~ Love you Amma!

My Mom
The wisest, the kindest, and most giving person I know
She's wise on matters that mean the most,
She's kind to every fault and weakness,
She gives and gives whatever she can, whenever she can, wherever she can, however she can..

My Mom
The strongest, calmest, and most forgiving person I know
She's strong in situations of turmoil,
She's calm when things are beyond control,
She's forgives every single person in minutes without judgment, no questions asked.

My Mom
The most patient, friendly, and childlike person I know
She's patient even when we don't deserve it,
She befriends all with a smile and such warmth,
She revels in childlike laughter and excitement and finds joy in small things.

My Mom
The most talented, humble, and honest person I know
She has talents unlimited, those that even she is unaware of,
She is humble even when she is right which is almost always,
She is honest in every relationship, participating with an open heart.

My Mom
My friend, My inspiration, My strength, My compass.
You are one amazing role model...
We are..because you are...

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