Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Live Life Queensize!!

Yours Truly,
Mother of three
Gorgeous gals,
My daily pals!
With them,
I can never be bored
Each day is fun-packed,
That's assured!

Married to One :)
Gorgeous man,
My best friend truly
With him I can
Savor each moment
Of every day,
Living each moment
In every way!!

Mom and Wife
That's not all ME -
There's too much I love
Many, a hobby!
But the one thing
That I truly love to do
Is to share a laugh
And memories too.

But these days,
It’s really hard,
To meet, or call, or
Drop a card
Everyone’s so busy
Playing hard to get,
But the one place to find them
Is definitely on the net!!

Thus I decided
To start this blog
To share my thoughts
Via virtual talk.
Perhaps it will
Make me wise
My main message, you ask?
“Live Life Queensize”!


Anandi said...

Yuh to humne lakh haseen dekhein he
Tum sa nahi deekha

Anandi said...

Yippeee for my first comment..But hey that wasn't was my DH using my account..Thanks honey..

Chitra said...

BEAUTIFUL .................very well said